Our Services
At Longevity Retirement Planning, we’re in it for the long haul, as we value relationships and enjoy Seeing people’s plans and dreams come to fruition. Our services are tailored to helping you and your money to grow.
At Longevity Retirement Planning, we’re in it for the long haul, as we value relationships and enjoy Seeing people’s plans and dreams come to fruition. Our services are tailored to helping you and your money to grow.
Our initial meeting ideally happens face-to-face at our Castle Hill office (although other arrangements can be made), and is without cost or obligation. It’s a chance to get to know each other and have a preliminary look at your situation, especially your goals and most pressing issues or questions you wish to address. Allow an hour.
Our second meeting establishes specific strategies and projections, taking into account your scientifically-assessed ‘risk profile’. This forms the basis for a Statement of Advice document, should you opt to engage our services (via a highly competitive fee, which may be tax deductible) for 12 months.
Subsequent meetings help you imple- ment and amend any plans. Reviews are then undertaken at least every 12 months so as to keep your strategies and investment portfolio up to date.
We also contact you proactively during the year when legislative or investment changes may affect you. Of course, at all times we welcome your phone call or email to answer any queries.